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Compensating library's missing features

You may find yourself willing to use GitHub Actions' feature that is not yet reflected in this library, neither in the core workflows/jobs/steps API, nor in the action bindings. We've thought about it. The library provides several points of extension so that you can keep using it, and in the meantime report the missing feature to us so that we can add it to one of the next releases. See the below sections to find your specific case.

The general approach is that whatever is overridden/customized using the below approaches, takes the precedence over built-in arguments.

Workflows, jobs and steps

They have an extra argument - _customArguments - which is a map from String to whatever values or collections are needed, especially using basic types like booleans, strings or integers, and further nesting of maps and lists.

For example:

    // ...
    _customArguments =
            "dry-run" to true,
            "some-string-value" to "foobar",
            "written-by" to listOf("Alice", "Bob"),
            "concurrency" to
                    "group" to expr("github.ref"),
                    "cancel-in-progress" to "true",

Action's inputs

Each action binding has an extra constructor parameter - _customInputs - which is a map from String to String:

    // ...
    _customInputs =
            "path" to "override-path-value",
            "answer" to "42",

You can use it to set inputs that the binding doesn't know about, or to set any custom value if the binding's typing is incorrect or faulty.

Action's version

Each action binding has an extra constructor parameter - _customVersion - which is a string overriding action's version:

    // ...
    _customVersion = "v4",

It's useful e.g. when the binding doesn't keep up with action's versions and the API is fairly compatible, or if you want to use a specific minor version.

I still cannot customize what I need

Well, it means we missed something - sorry for that! Please report it via GitHub issues.