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Job outputs

It's possible to pass output from a job in a somewhat type-safe way (that is: types aren't checked, but the field names are).

First, define outputs parameter in job function, inheriting from JobOutputs:

val myJob =
        id = "my_job",
        runsOn = RunnerType.UbuntuLatest,
        outputs =
            object : JobOutputs() {
                var myOutput by output()
                var anotherOutput by output()
) { ... }

To set an output from within the job, use jobOutputs, and then an appropriate object field:

jobOutputs.myOutput = someStep.outputs.someStepOutput
jobOutputs.anotherOutput = someStep.outputs["custom-output"]

and then use job's output from another job this way:

    id = "use_output",
    runsOn = RunnerType.UbuntuLatest,
    needs = listOf(myJob),
) {
        name = "Use outputs",
        command =
            echo ${expr { myJob.outputs.myOutput }}
            echo ${expr { myJob.outputs.anotherOutput }}